Saturday, February 8, 2014

i'd like it back

"i'd like my crayons back, please"

(sorry i say crans. i'm a utahn.)

and while you're at it....

i'd like my treetop apple juice in the mini can.

i'd like my pb&j sandwiches with white bread and the crust cut off, cut into 4 squares please.

i'd also like my chicken noodle canned soup with milk (because my best friend is allergic to peanut butter so i will make the sacrifice for her)

i'd like my trampoline back.

i'd like the summer nights sleeping out on that tramp in sleeping bags and blankets with my sisters.

i'd like to play in the sprinklers, and maybe if i was lucky dad would put the hose under the tramp and we could jump and splash on tramp.

i'd like to play night games again.

i'd like to finger paint again.

i'd like my fancy hair doodads with the two balls on the elastic back.

i'd like that light pink shirt with the dainty embroidered flowers around the neck back.

i'd like my overalls back.

i'd like to watch dragon tales, and rollie pollie ollie, and out of the box, and winnie the pooh.

.................i love winnie the pooh.

i'd like to have my daddy carry me down to bed after a long day.

i'd like to have bath time where my mom would do crazy hair with the shampoo.

i'd like to be lotioned after my bath and use the lavender sented hair detangler while my mom combs my long hair.

i'd like my friends back.

i'd like to play house, and spy kids, and babysitter club, and restaurant, and vet, and barbies, and polly pocket, and fashion designer, and survivor, and pretend that our parents died so we had to live in the backyard and i was the older sister that takes care of the family, and college...

i'd like my childhood back.

ooops i forgot to say please!

please can i have all of it back?

i'd like that.

i'd really like that.

but i know you can't. cuz my hands are too big for the crayons. my sisters are old and live far away, they can't and won't sleep on the tramp with me anymore. i can't get the tramp back because no one would jump on it. the neighbors would think i'm strange if i ran in the sprinkles. and frankly i don't want to get wet anymore. i don't want my fancy hair doodads back because they hurt. i can't watch my shows because they don't exist anymore. i can't play college anymore because now, in a few months i have to LIVE college.

i guess i can't get it all back.

i suppose i will have to settle on getting the memories back.

the fact is.....

i'm growing up whether i like it or not.


  1. Freaking A... yes dragon tales please, and no college, and smaller hands.
    Freaking please... loved this!

  2. One of the best posts I've read. Easily.

  3. I feel like a lot of these posts are the cookie cutter version, and yours is original. It's "Out of the Box" (I loved that show, too.)

  4. Someone read this during A3 on Valentine's Day.

    It was awesome.
