Friday, March 27, 2015

The Brightest Star

The brightest star...
Actually isn't a star. It is a binary star. It is two stars so close to one another that to the naked eye it appears to be one.

I want to be a binary star.

I want to be so close to someone that we are one.
I want to care about someone so much that we are one.
I want to love someone so deeply that we are one.

I once saw a video where the old woman looked into her husband's eyes for 4 minutes, when asked what she saw she said, "me. I see his love for me."

I want that.
I want a "can't see my life without you" kind of love.
I want a "dance in the kitchen" kind of love.
I want a "sing in the car" kind of love.
I want' a "laugh until it hurts" kind of love.

I want love that is kind.
I want love that is sweet & good & long & hard & soft & intense & passionate & real.

I want a love so real that when looked upon by the naked eye, we are seen as one.

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